Leeds City Museum

Leeds City Museum reopened in 2008 and won the 2009 Readers’ Award for Best Museum at the Museums and Heritage Awards.

Its phenomenally popular galleries attract considerable numbers of locals and visitors to Leeds. Its four floors of galleries give visitors the opportunity to explore life on Earth, ancient worlds, the story of Leeds, The Leeds Arena and more.

D J Willrich Ltd designed and installed all of the audio visual systems in the new Leeds City Museum, enriching the visitors experience with sound, film and interactive games.

In ‘Life on Earth’, some of the interactive displays DJW installed let visitors decide on the best nose for catching ants, discover different types of life and experience the sights and sounds of a rainforest.

DJW installed all the media hardware in ‘The Leeds Story’, a media-rich gallery where visitors discover how things such as social movements and shopping have transformed the city. The interactives and audio visual displays complement the wealth of important objects and ephemera from the city’s history.

In 'The Leeds Arena', synchronised video plays on five giant projection screens over the central floor. On the floor, visitors can also choose to watch community-produced films on interactive podiums.


Audio Systems
Video Systems
Lighting Design
System Installation
Service and Support


Millennium Square
Leeds UK


Redman Design






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Email us at djw@djwillrich.com or call us direct on +44(0)1590 612603

D J Willrich Ltd
Bucklers Hard Road
SO42 7XA
United Kingdom
Email. djw@djwillrich.com
Tel. +44 (0)1590 612603
Reg No. 2006829
© D J Willrich Ltd 2024